Dear Parents/Carers,
Today we delivered remote learning materials to all College families in case there is an extended school closure.
This work should begin on Wednesday 15 April if school does not resume as planned. If we do resume school please make sure that your child/children bring the work to school because they will be working from it in class.
Students are currently on holidays and are not expected to begin this work until 15 April if advised to do so.
School is scheduled to resume on Wednesday 15 April. We will contact you on Tuesday 14 April to inform you of what is happening.
The Doveton College website contains some information that might help you with some activities for your children over the holiday break. Please go to the Remote Learning button to access this. (Remote Learning information will be uploaded soon)
The following websites provide current information and advice:
Department of Education and Training
Department of Health and Human Services
The Early Learning Centre remains open at this stage.
I will continue to update the College community through this page and through Compass posts and emails. To minimize the spread of the virus it is important that you continue to follow the official advice regarding social distancing, isolating at home and ensuring that your children are not socializing with others. Please take care of yourself and your family during this challenging time.
Kind Regards
Deb Gibson