9 September, 2020
Dear parents, carers and students,
On Sunday the Victorian government announced the plans for the staged easing of restrictions across Victoria in response to the COVID19 pandemic.
There is a lot of detail to these plans, with significant impact in the community. Details can be found at https://www.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19-restrictions-roadmaps
Metropolitan Melbourne is still in Stage 4 lockdown, where there is a curfew in place between 9pm and 5am, you must not travel outside 5km from your home, you may exercise outdoors for 2 hours each day and you must work from home unless you are in a permitted industry.
At Doveton College nothing changes until these important dates:
- 28 September 2020 ELC re-opens
- 5 October 2020 Kindergarten programs recommence
- 12 October 2020 Students in Prep, Year 1 and Year 2 return to face to face learning
- 26 October 2020 potential return of students in Years 3-9
The Early Learning Centre will contact families to determine the best ways of supporting children to return to the ELC.
I will write to you again prior to 12 October with full details of the return to school and onsite arrangements.
We have put many practices in place to reduce the risk for all of our community. Most importantly children and adults must stay at home and get tested if they are display any symptoms (runny nose, sore throat, cough, fever). Adults on site must wear masks/face coverings when not directly teaching or interacting with children and social distancing must occur between adults. We are not able to have parents/carers on site. We will continue with the ‘kiss and drop’ bays and staggered pick up arrangements from last term. We ask that parents/carers practice social distancing at these times by keeping 1.5 m apart and using non-contact greetings with other adults.
Thank you for the amazing support implementing the remote learning program. We have loved seeing your children in live lessons, seeing their videos and photos, talking to them on the phone and watching their progress.
These are certainly challenging times and I thank you for your continued support and for working with us as we implement the risk minimisation strategies for our community and engage your children in the remote learning program. It is very important that we all follow the current restrictions as we protect the health and safety of ourselves, our families and our community. We will need to continue to work closely together as we provide support to ensure the ongoing wellbeing and learning of your children, and in curbing the spread of the coronavirus.
I hope that you and your family continue to stay safe and healthy.
Kind regards
Debra Gibson