If you have visited the college lately, you may have noticed some work going on around the big gum tree outside the bike shed. This work has been organised and implemented by one of our very dedicated volunteers Judy, a team of Year 6 children and our Hands on Learning Team. The team are currently planting out the memorial garden around the gum tree, which has been dedicated to one of our staff members – Mr Hal Wilson. The Doveton College Parents Association has funded the rock, plaque and plants.
What a fantastic Doveton community effort.
We are very proud of the hard work and effort and what everyone has achieved and we hope that our entire college community assist us by helping to ensure that people do not walk over the plants whilst they are settling in and growing. There are walking areas through the garden where the community are welcome to sit on the rock and admire the plants, once the area is settled. We thank you all for your assistance and again well done to all.