Principal’s Welcome
Doveton College is a unique, diverse and vibrant learning community. It is unlike any other educational setting in Australia. Located in the south eastern suburbs of Melbourne, Doveton College resides in one of the most disadvantaged metropolitan regions of Australia. It is the first of a number of settings to be developed which link the Victorian Government and Philanthropic funding organisations.
In 2009, the Colman Foundation approached the Victorian Government with a desire to become directly involved in the education of young people who come from a background of disadvantage, including high migrant and refugee groups. The Colman Foundation provided an initial financial contribution and continues to provide annual financial support to allow for additional services to be provided which are over and above the normal funding regime for the College. The Foundation has a goal of changing the life opportunities of young people by supporting families and communities to access education, health and wrap around services with the school at the centre of the services.
Doveton College is complex in its operation; it seeks to support, foster and develop opportunities for all members of the Doveton Community including children, young people, and adults. The focus is on providing high quality teaching and learning programs for young people aged 0 – 15 with additional learning opportunities for parents and the wider community members. It provides a wide range of wrap-around educational and allied health support including Baby College, Maternal and Child Health services, Medical and Adult Learning opportunities. Our high quality Early Learning Centre operates a long day setting, with a focus on intentional learning through a play-based approach.
On any week, the College is a vibrant learning hub with 90 children in early learning, 740 students in Foundation to Year 9, 150 involved in play groups, 70 regular volunteers and 120 participants in adult education courses. Each week students from Foundation to Year 9 participate in the Doveton Engagement and Enrichment Program (DEEP) which operates as an extension to the school day; sports, performance, technology, STEM and artistic programs operate.
Doveton College is committed to providing a child safe environment where children and young people are safe and feel safe, and their voices are heard about decisions that affect their lives. Providing the structures, programs and opportunities in a high quality learning environment is our work. We believe we are well on the way to delivering these goals with high quality outcomes for all members of the Doveton Community.
I would like to acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land on which we meet, the Bunurong people, and pay my respects to Aboriginal leaders past, present and emerging. I extend my respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders who are present today. We recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture, connection to country and traditions. We acknowledge the past and stand together for our future.