Advice to Parents

2021-04-22T12:52:59+10:00February 17th, 2021|

Dear Parents and Carers, Thank you so much for your quick response to the lockdown announcements last Friday. I am pleased to advise that the lockdown finishes at 11:59pm on Wednesday 17 February. All children return onsite tomorrow, Thursday 18 February. From 11.59pm Wednesday 17 February, consistent with advice for the broader community, school staff [...]

Stage 4 lockdown

2021-02-12T19:11:49+10:00February 12th, 2021|

Dear Parents and Carers, As you are probably aware the Premier has announced a 5 day – Stage 4 lockdown. This means that Doveton College school students will learn from home on Monday 15, Tuesday 16, Wednesday 17 next week. The Early Learning Centre is open as normal, but if you are able to [...]

Welcome back to 2021

2021-02-08T07:19:20+10:00February 8th, 2021|

Dear Parents and Carers Welcome back to 2021. It was so good to see everyone again and, as always, amazing to see how much the children had grown over the summer holiday. I hope that you and your families enjoyed a relaxing and refreshing break. We enjoyed a very settled start to the school year [...]


2020-10-11T22:18:26+10:00October 7th, 2020|

Dari (دری)   We are very much looking forward to the return of children to face to face learning.  My sincere thanks to families for their support and patience over the remote learning period. Following advice from the Victorian Chief Health Officer and as announced by the Victorian Government, Victorian government schools will begin [...]

9th September

2020-09-10T15:10:37+10:00September 10th, 2020|

9 September, 2020 Dear parents, carers and students, On Sunday the Victorian government announced the plans for the staged easing of restrictions across Victoria in response to the COVID19 pandemic. There is a lot of detail to these plans, with significant impact in the community.  Details can be found at Metropolitan Melbourne is still [...]

Information Sessions

2020-08-09T17:07:24+10:00August 9th, 2020|

Dear Parents and Carers, As you would be aware metropolitan Melbourne is under Stage 4 restrictions.  These restrictions place strict limitations on movement in the community.  There is a curfew that prevents you leaving your home between 8pm and 5am, unless you are seeking medical care or you are in permitted work.  You may [...]

3 August 2020

2020-08-03T17:40:52+10:00August 3rd, 2020|

Dear parents, carers and students,   Yesterday the Victorian Government announced that, on the advice of the Victorian Chief Health Officer, metropolitan Melbourne will move to Stage 4 restrictions to slow the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19). This means that you must stay at home and there are only very limited reasons to go out. A [...]

17 July – Remote Learning beginning Monday 20 July

2020-07-17T17:30:36+10:00July 17th, 2020|

Dear Parents/Carers, Remote learning begins for all Doveton College school students on Monday 20 July. We have updated our programs based upon feedback from the remote learning in Term 2.  Students will have two live literacy and two live numeracy lessons each week, which will enable them to keep contact with not just their teachers [...]

Update July 14

2020-07-14T10:18:11+10:00July 14th, 2020|

14 July 2020   Dear Parents and Carers,   As you would be aware, the Victorian Government has made some significant announcements in relation to arrangements for schools in Victoria for Term 2.  If you live in Metropolitan Melbourne and Mitchell Shire you need to Stay at Home. There are four reasons that you can [...]

July 8th – Notice to Parents and Carers

2020-07-09T08:25:07+10:00July 9th, 2020|

Dear Parents/Carers, I am sure that you have heard the recent announcements from the Premier and Chief Health Officer regarding the re-introduction of Stage 3 restrictions. From 11:59pm on Wednesday 8 July, if you live in the Melbourne metropolitan area and the Shire of Mitchell then Stay at Home restrictions will apply. These restrictions are [...]

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