As we begin to look forward to seeing all children returning to the College over the next few weeks I would like to thank you for your ongoing support during the period of remote and flexible learning. It is fantastic to belong to a community that works so well together, ensuring that we are all safe and healthy and that our children are able to continue with their learning during this very challenging time.
Following advice from the Victorian Chief Health Officer and as announced by the Victorian Government, Victorian government schools will begin a transition back to on-site schooling for students.
The staged return will be as follows
- Prep, Year 1 and Year 2 students on-site from Tuesday 26 May 2020
- Students in Year 3 to Year 9 continue remote and flexible learning program until 5 June 2020
- Year 3 to Year 9 students on-site from Tuesday 9 June 2020
- students in Year 3 to Year 9 being supervised on-site will continue remote and flexible learning program (students not able to be supervised at home and for whom no other arrangements can be made; and vulnerable students) until June 5 2020.
- Please note MONDAY 25 May is a pupil free day
Doveton College are implementing a number of operational changes, in accordance with Department of Education guidelines, to minimise risk to staff, students and community members. Should the advice of the Chief Health Officer or the Department of Education change we will review and update our procedures accordingly.
The information below lists the changes in school processes. It is very important that social distancing of adults is practiced in our community, which means that we are not able to have parents/carers on site at this time. We have made changes to streamline drop off and pick up and would ask you to make sure that you are practicing social distancing at these times by keeping 1.5 m apart and using non-contact greetings with other adults. I encourage you to take advantage of the new drop off arrangements (kiss and drop) that will reduce the congestion and interaction between adults.
Please discuss these changed arrangements with your children before they return to school.
Visitors on Site
- parents and carers will not be permitted on site
- only essential health/allied health and maintenance workers will be permitted on site
Drop Off (see diagram below)
- there will be two ‘Kiss and Drop’ bays. If you use these bays you will pull up in the car and the children will get out and head into school. Cars are not permitted to park. The drop off bays will be supervised by Doveton College staff.
- ‘Kiss and Drop’ bays are located at the front of the College on Tristania St just before the school crossing and at the rear of the College in the carpark where you can enter at the northern gate and exit through the southern gate
- the main carpark is only to be used by Early Learning families
- the College grounds will be closed with the exception of the following entry/exit points for students only
- Gate near the bike shed (primary students only) Tristania St
- Gate near science room (secondary students only) Tristania St
- Agora/library entrance Laurel Avenue
- Gate near oval on Ash Street
- Gate for before/after care near senior playground
- we ask parents please do NOT congregate before and after school and to observe social distancing of 1.5m between adults
- gates will be opened from 8:45am
- students are not permitted to enter or exit through the front foyer area unless they arrive after 9:15am or need to leave before 3pm
- Early Learning Children should be signed into the ELC by one adult. Siblings are not permitted in the ELC at drop off and pick up.
- Only one adult can enter the Early Learning Centre building
Pick up
- students who do NOT have siblings should be picked up at 3:05 where possible
- other students will assemble in their family groups and will be dismissed at 3:15
- ELC children should be picked up before school children as siblings are not permitted in the ELC
School Operations
- drinking taps will not be in use – students must bring their own named water bottle
- no camps
- no excursions
- no incursions
- explicit teaching of hygiene, good physical and mental health
- supervised hand washing
- hand sanitiser in every learning space
- physical distancing between adults
- increased cleaning of high touch surfaces by professional cleaners during the school day
- cleaning supplies provided in all learning spaces
- staff have been trained in COVID19 hygiene practices
iPads and Laptops
- Students in years 7,8 & 9 who have a loaned device need to bring it to school every day.
- We will provide further advice of dates for returning loaned devices.
Please ensure that your children bring all of the work that they completed at home with them when they return to school.
Once again, I thank you for your co-operation in adapting to these changed procedures. We have adopted a conservative approach, with an abundance of caution so that we can minimise the risk to the community and limit the spread of the virus.
Should you have any questions or concerns please contact us at the College (8765 0111). Karen Green, Early Learning Director; Amara Miles, Wellbeing; Assistant Principals Raa Houpapa and Thadd Rimer, and I are always happy to talk with parents, carers and families.
Kind Regards,
Debra Gibson