Dear Parents and Carers,
As the term ends there are a few important messages.
Firstly, I would like to once again thank you for your support during the COVID19 pandemic. It has been, and continues to be an unpredictable time for us all and I appreciate your patience and understanding as we work together to stay connected and stay safe.
I would like to acknowledge and thank our students, who have adapted quickly and easily to the new routines and processes. They have all taken responsibility for their own personal hygiene, particularly handwashing, and have cooperated fully to ensure the safety of everyone in the College.
I am very grateful to all of our staff, who have worked tirelessly over the last term to ensure that we have continued to provide the very best care and education during these challenging times.
Semester 1 reports have been published on Compass. You can access these through your child’s profile. The Department of Education and Training has adjusted the expectations of Student Reports for Semester 1 in recognition of the transition to remote and flexible learning during Term 2. While our College has continued to deliver its teaching and learning program and monitor the achievement and progress of each student, there have been some unprecedented changes to our usual program.
At Doveton College, we know it is vital to involve students and their parents/carers in learning. This process includes providing reports on student learning. We have provided a report for the each student enrolled at the school for Semester 1. The reports include information on student achievement for each curriculum area taught, however, there are some changes from our usual Semester 1 reports.
Student reports for Semester 1 2020 will include:
- • a description of the areas of the Victorian Curriculum F-10 taught
- • comments regarding student learning achievement, based on the Victorian Curriculum F-10 for the subject areas taught
- • a comment on how the student has adjusted to the remote and flexible learning environment.
This semester we will not be including teacher judgements and a five-point scale due to the unprecedented changes to our program due to COVID-19. We will report on progress at the end of the year.
There will be an opportunity for parent teacher interviews in Term 3, however the format and date for these is yet to be confirmed and will depend upon the operational advice relating to safety and minimizing the risk during the pandemic. We will provide these details as soon as they are available.
College Operations
Thank you for your support in the changed drop off and pick up arrangements which have worked extremely well. We have seen a very settled start to the day, with significantly improved punctuality which enables everyone to begin learning at 9am.
These drop off and pick up arrangements will continue in Term 3.
Similarly, the other operational process will continue – students to bring own drink bottle, no parents on site, essential service visitors only, physical distancing for adults, frequent hand washing/sanitizing, no camps/excursions.
I will advise you when these processes and restrictions change. We will continue to operate with an abundance of caution so that we minimize the risk to all those in our community.
The pandemic is not over. It is important that over the holiday break families continue to observe the restrictions in place, practice good hand hygiene, limit contact greetings, cough/sneeze into elbow, don’t touch your face and get tested if unwell.
The Victorian Government has provided resources in many different languages – these can be accessed through the QR codes attached – using the camera on your phone.
You should get tested for COVID-19 even if you have the mildest of symptoms, which include fever, chills or sweats, sore throat, shortness of breath, cough, runny nose, loss of sense of smell. Locations of testing sites are attached.
As a community we have done an amazing job so far in keeping ourselves and each other safe and healthy. This can continue if we all observe the restrictions and protocols. Whilst not as restrictive as the last school holiday period, these holidays still require everyone to carefully consider the things they do. The less movement in the community the less opportunity for the virus to spread.
Further information regarding coronavirus can be found at
Once again, I thank you all for your continued support and I hope that you and your families continue to stay safe and healthy. Any updates for the community over the holiday period will be provided via email, Compass, Facebook and the NEWS section of the website. I look forward to seeing everyone again on Monday 13 July for the start of Term 3.
Kind Regards
Debra Gibson