Dear Parents and Carers,

As you would be aware metropolitan Melbourne is under Stage 4 restrictions.  These restrictions place strict limitations on movement in the community.  There is a curfew that prevents you leaving your home between 8pm and 5am, unless you are seeking medical care or you are in permitted work.  You may only go to the shops once a day, and only one person per household may go.  You can exercise for 1 hour each day.  You must shop and exercise within 5km of your home.

Doveton College is committed to supporting the Stage 4 restrictions and all staff are working and delivering the remote learning program from home.  There is a small skeleton staff to provide supervision and support for those onsite.

If you are a parent/carer who is a permitted worker and you require care for your children because there is no-one who can care for them at home, you must provide us with a copy of your Permitted Worker Permit (including Childcare) or Access to Onsite Childcare/Kindergarten Permit before your child can attend on site.  There is a limited capacity for children in exceptional circumstances of vulnerability to attend onsite, these cases must be approved on an individual basis with a member of the principal class.

In the coming week we are running a number of Information Sessions for parents/carers and their children in order to help you better support your children accessing remote learning.  These sessions are online and can be accessed through the links provided.  Your children are able to access these links through their devices.  There are two sessions for each year level, both sessions are the same – you only need to attend one. You will have the opportunity in these sessions to ask teachers questions relating to remote learning.

I encourage you to attend the sessions that relate to your child’s year level.  If you are not able to attend there is a general session that will run on Thursday.  If you have attended a year level session there is no need to attend the general session on Thursday.

Please note that FRIDAY 14 AUGUST is a College wide professional development day.  The ELC and school will not be open and school classes will not be running.

Once again, thank you for working together with us during these challenging times.  I hope that you and your families continue to stay safe and healthy.

Yours faithfully,

Debra Gibson