Dear Parent/carers,

The Premier of Victoria has announced an extension of the current lockdown.  Remote and flexible learning will continue until the end of this term.

There are five reasons to leave home and the curfew from 9pm -5am remains in place.

The reasons to leave home are:

  • Essential shopping within 5 km of home (one person per household, once per day)
  • Exercise (2 hours/day) within 5 km of home
  • Caregiving/compassionate/medical
  • Authorised work or permitted education
  • To get vaccinated

All of the remote learning arrangements currently in place for the College will continue.

Work packs for students in Prep – Year 4 and packs for ELC children not attending must be collected from the Agora between 9am and 1pm on Friday 3 September.  If you have completed workbooks you can return them at the same time.

The school and ELC are only open for vulnerable children, children with a disability who cannot learn from home and children of those parents who are permitted workers.

NAPLAN results were received by schools yesterday.  Doveton College results show significant growth in learning outcomes across all year levels.  In 11 of 15 areas the percentage of children showing high growth exceeds the state average.  This reflects the quality of teaching and learning, your commitment to supporting learning both onsite and in remote, and the resilience, tenacity and enthusiasm of our children.

I will be running an online information/Q&A session for parents and carers on Thursday 2 September at 4:00pm.  Please use this link to join

Please check your emails, Compass and the Doveton College Facebook page, regularly.

Please call the College on 8765 0111 if you need more information.

I hope that you and your families continue to stay safe and healthy.

Kind regards

Deb Gibson