Our Approach
Excellent results don’t happen overnight. They require patience, determination and hard work. These are the values we prize in our staff and students.
Together we can help students and their families work towards a bright future as successful learners and citizens.
We teach students the qualities they need to set goals and achieve them – self-discipline, perseverance, responsibility and good behavior.
We place literacy, numeracy and inquiry at the heart of all our learning and teaching.
In every lesson, students are encouraged to be creative and curious, to ask questions, to find solutions and work with others.
Setting high standards
We have high expectations of our students and our teachers.
Classroom teachers work in learning teams. They collect data from student work and analyse it to identify gaps in student knowledge and skills.
Each team uses this evidence to refine its teaching methods and develop consistent strategies to lift student achievement. And each team evaluates its work to make sure its strategies are succeeding.
We focus on equipping our students with excellent literacy and numeracy skills. Specialist literacy and numeracy coaches work with our classroom teachers and students to provide them with extra expertise and help.
Student progress in learning is rigorously measured by teachers through a variety of assessments. These include national and state mandated assessments such as NAPLAN, individual and classroom assessments, student performances, portfolios and exhibitions.
If students have a developmental problem and need a specialist, we immediately refer them to our speech pathologist, doctor or other health, student welfare or family specialists available on site.
Our state-of-the art-facilities provide new and inspiring ways for children to learn.