Surname: *
First Given Name: *
Second Given Name: (if applicable)
Preferred Name: (if applicable)
Date of Birth: *
Gender: * MaleFemaleSelf described [group genderlabel] If Self described, please specify: [/group]
Which year are you seeking to enrol this student? * Select...Prep123456789Ungraded
Intended start date: * Day 1Term 1Other [group startdate] If other, please specify date:
Are you seeking to enrol the student at this school full-time? * YesNo
[group enroltime] How many days a week would the student be attending this school? 1234 Provide a reason why you are seeking part-time enrolment: Other school name: Days/Week: Other school name: Days/Week: [/group]
Do you live in the school's zone? * Go to to find your local school YesNo
No & Street Address: *
Suburb: *
State: *
Postcode: *
How often does the student live at this address? * AlwaysMostlyBalanced (50%)
If the student lives at another address during the school week, please provide further details including the address, who they reside with, and how many days a week the student lives there:
Does the student have any siblings at this school? * YesNo (move to next section) [group siblings]
Current Year Level
Resides at same address
Enrolling Adult 1 Surname: *
Contact Mobile number: *
Contact Home Phone: *
Contact Email Address: *
Student lives with Adult 1: * AlwaysMostlyBalanced (50%)Occasionally
Adult 1 Relationship to Student: * Select...ParentStep ParentFoster ParentHost FamilyRelativeFriendSelfOther [group parent1relationship] If other, please specify: [/group]
Enrolling Adult 2 Surname:
First Given Name
Contact Mobile number:
Contact Home Phone:
Contact Email Address:
No & Street Address:
Student lives with Adult 2: AlwaysMostlyBalanced (50%)Occasionally
Adult 2 Relationship to Student: Select...ParentStep ParentFoster ParentHost FamilyRelativeFriendSelfOther [group parent2relationship] If other, please specify: [/group]
I/We confirm that:
I am/We are the person/people named as completing this form.
The information in this form is true and correct.
I/We agree to authorise Doveton College to utilise this electronic form for Enrolment Application purposes.
Person/s completing this form *
Please note: This is not an enrolment form. All other information including the enrolment form and transition dates will be sent at a later date.