Dear Parent/carers,
The Premier of Victoria has announced a 5 day lockdown.
This means that there are only 5 reasons to leave home
- Essential shopping within 5 km of home (one person per household, once per day)
- Exercise (2 hours/day) within 5 km of home
- Caregiving/compassionate/medical
- Authorised work or permitted education
- To get vaccinated
Advice just received from the Department of Education is as follows.
The Early Learning Centre remains open and the school is only open for vulnerable children and children of those parents who are permitted workers.
If your child needs to come to school please contact the office in order to confirm eligibility and complete the necessary paperwork.
All parents/carers MUST wear a mask and QR when dropping off and collecting children
You will receive a separate email regarding the learning program for the next three days.
Please ensure that your child is engaged with their learning program. If you need to contact the teacher you can email them via Compass.
More details will be available on Compass. Please check your emails regularly and look at the Doveton College website and Facebook page.
Please call the College 8765 0111 if you need more information.
Once again, thank you for your support and flexibility as we adapt to the new restrictions.
Kind regards
Deb Gibson